Mission 22 Ambassadors Heather Dean and Heather Holbrook organized a fundraising walk, to help veterans, and spread awareness for this mission. Veterans and supporters gathered to walk 2.2 miles on September 4, 2021, and brought in $1000.
Front Row, left to right: Edmund Greene (holding American flag), Tim Nance, David Anderson (in red), Ann Craighead, Anjie Ross, Heather Dean, Kevin Evans and Heather Holbrook (Mission 22 Ambassadors holding flag)
Back Row, left to right: Richard Calloway, _____________, _______________, Kevin Ross, Charlie Moore
Mission 22 was presented with a total of $550 from District 11, Post 5352 & Pup Tent 11.
L-R are Kevin Evans, Ambassador; Kernersville Post Commander, Josh Hunt; VFW Immediate Past State Commander, Tim Woods; & Military Order of the Cootie Supreme Historian, Rob Caudill.
Almost $1,500 was raised for Mission 22 at this years event!
Special thanks to the members of VFW Post 1142, Girl Scout Troop 2817 Winston Salem, Kernersville Post 5352, American Legion Riders, Humana Insurance, Military Order of the Cootie Pup Tent 11, NC District 11,
Everyone who came to support the cause, and especially Heather Dean for organizing this event.
Lincolnton, Kings Mtn, Jefferson, Gastonia, Yadkinville, Statesville, Winston Salem, Kernersville, Salisbury & Conover represented today.
Veterans Suicide Crisis line
Dial 988 then press 1