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Wilkes County Veterans History Project: M.A.S.H

Although based out of Ohio, the M.A.S.H. Pantry and Resource Center is excited to announce the development of

LLAMA LOVE THERAPY in the picturesque region of Ferguson, North Carolina.

Our primary mission is to provide therapeutic services through interaction with llamas, offering emotional and mental health benefits to individuals of all ages. We will be serving veterans, active-duty military, military families and survivors, individuals with autism, individuals with disabilities, and other programs aimed at enhancing social interaction, communication, and emotional and mental health. 

At M.A.S.H. Pantry and Resource Center, we understand the power of connection, compassion, and community in the healing process.

Our Llama Love Therapy program is not just about offering support; it is about creating moments of joy, comfort, and peace for our veterans, military families, survivors, disabilities, hospice, autism, and community programs. Today, we invite you to be part of this beautiful journey by adopting a llama.

Greg Hall, llama owner, talks about the star shaved in the fur of his llama. 

A real-live Sneetch!

Lot of 'llama lovin' with children at a summer reading library program.

Army Major, Lee Starr, with the star-bellied llama and Lonnie Dushane of M.A.S.H.

Lee Starr with friendly llama.

Library children lovin' on the llama, Southern Moonshine

Elaine Dushane of Llama Love Therapy with Major Lee Starr 

Lonnie Dushane with M.A.S.H. truck.

Library Llama Visit