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Ashe County Oral History

Collection of interviews with notable Ashe County residents

Francis McMeekin-Keer was the proprietor of the Little Phoenix Lodge. In this interview she discusses the lodge as well as her service in World War II.

Index of Topics

Part 1

00:00-3:45 growing up anson county
travelling with godfather (state historian) 
working in washington during war

Part 2
more with war service (letter writing)
still talking about service in Europe
battle of bulge, coming home

Part 3

Going to france working in hospital
3:06 patton slapping soldier story
5:41 meeting eisenhower

15:18 Building lodge out of old Stewart / Barker place
19:40 decision to build lodge 

Part 4

building lodge, dinner, tea parties

Part 5

anecdotes about people staying

6:30 scottish husband,