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Ashe County Oral History

Collection of interviews with notable Ashe County residents

Maggie Spencer provides insights into her family history and historic lifestyles.

Index of Topics

Parts 1 and 2 are Duplicates

0:32 World War 1

1:47 Drying food

4:30 pickling food

6:22 canning chicken

7:54 canning raw meat

8:40 Her schooling 

9:45 here family

10:42 how they traveled 

12:32 how she spent her christmas

13:30 Her siblings

13:54 Dating as a teen

14:40 Boxed dinners


Part 3

0:20 Hunting

1:50 Doctors 

3:48 Floods

4:35 children in World War 2

5:18 July meetings

7:50 Her husband was a photographer

9:10 Different events at July meetings

9:47 watching the cattle

12:00 chickens

12:44 eating coon with uncle Ester

13:35 possum