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Ashe County Oral History

Collection of interviews with notable Ashe County residents

Annie and Herbert Greene were both born in the first decade of the 20th century and spent the majority of their lives in Fleetwood (known in its earliest days as Bowie). In this interview, they recall life in the early 20th century. Herbert also relates stories related to his career in the timber industry.

Part 1

:40 Names birthdates

2:15 Herbert’s schooling in Watauga County

4:45 Annie’s brief time in Cottonwood, Idaho

8:00 Motivations for moving west

10:30 Working at lumber mill in Konnarock

12:30 County before cutting of timber

14:40 Encounters with venomous snakes

16:10 Running gristmill as a boy

23:45 1940 Flood


Part 2

4:30 Story of injury at Greene’s Ready Mix

5:50 Circular saw injury

12:35 Annie’s housework before electricity

13:55 Ironing and starching

15:30 Chores

16:30 Wild herbs

16:50 Shoes

19:20 Clarice Weaver describing father during Great Depression

21:00 Herbert’s story ups and downs selling timber