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Ashe County Oral History

Collection of interviews with notable Ashe County residents

Albert Hash was a locally famous fiddler player and luthier. He was the founding member of the Whitetop Mountain Band and was highly influential, both to local musicians and instrument builders. In this interview he discusses his playing history, his first experiences building instruments, as well as recollections about his life and childhood. The last two sections of the interview also include musical selections performed by Hash and the Whitetop Mountain band. 

Index of Topics

Part 1

00:15 Parents, wife, children

01:14: machinist in WW2

01:35 School at Cabin Creek

2:06 Wolf Knob School / Mt.Rogers School

3:35 Petition to finish building Mt. Rogers

5:00 Mr. Perkins (teacher at Mt. Rogers)

6:45 Walking route to school

10:30 Mutton Tallow to waterproof boots

12:35 Hard Time / making money

18:33 Courting

19:45 No electricity

21:43 Early Whittling

23:00 Queen Fiddle

27:20 Musical family members


Part 2

00:00 First Playing Gig

01:54 First Fiddle

9:45 Self-Reliance

10:35 Medicine / remedies

16:45 Pine Hole

17:30 Logging

20:00 Covered Wagon Trip

22:50 Early Cars

23:25 Fiddle Lessons

24:40 Fiddler's Conventions

25:25 Machinist occupation

26:45 People who bought fiddles

28:15 Modern Country


Part 3

"Alabama Gals" - banjo

"Redwing" - banjo

"Old Jimmy Sutton" - banjo

5:39 Whitetop festival

7:50 Whitetop festival winners

8:50 Dancers

10:10 G.B. Grayson / Whitter

11:50 Whitetop festival moving to Galax

13:20 paying doctor bill with fiddle

18:00 Library of congress recording

22:06 Death of Grandfather from Asthma



Part 4

"Johnson Boys"

"Arkansas Traveller"

"Soldier's Joy"


"Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss"

"Johnson Boys"



"Katy Cline"

"Cripple Creek"


Part 5

"Poor Ellen Smith"

"Cluck Old Hen"

"Old Jimmy Sutton"

"Shortening Bread"