Get ready to set sail on the pirate ship Arly Galley, where we'll find out more about fearsome pirates that regularly plundered North Carolina. Discover what pirate life was really like.
How to Find Out More
To find books from the library about pirates, click on the coconuts.
To find out what makes a pirate a pirate, click on the pirate Molly having a whale of a time.
To find out how to cook like a pirate, click on the digging pirate Molly.
To learn about pirate treasure, click on the treasure chest.
To play Hungry Pirates, click on Miss Molly Plunders.
To find out more about pirates on DK's interactive website, click on the compass.
To find out about some of North Carolina's most valuable tourists and notorious pirates, click on the pirate Molly with the treasure map.
To learn more about the life of a pirate, click on the marooned pirate Molly.
To find out more about North Carolina's own infamous pirate, Blackbeard, click on the pirate ship.
To find books about pirates from NC Kids Digital online library, click on the anchor.