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Wilkes County Human Library: Share Your Story

The Human Library is very much like a regular library where people go to check out books. The only difference is that the books are all human volunteers that can be 'borrowed' for conversation.

Why become a Human Library volunteer?

Are you interested in celebrating diversity and creating opportunities for open dialogue? Do you have a passion, experience, culture, tradition, lifestyle, or belief that you would like to share with others?  Do you want to help give a voice to the many groups that are stigmatized and to volunteer your time to work that has a significant impact and potential for creating change? 

Then Wilkes County Human Library might be for you . . . 

When we have upcoming Human Library events, you will be contacted by us and provided with the opportunity to become involved. Volunteering with the Human Library is also an opportunity to meet a lot of different people and join an incredibly diverse and inclusive community.

If this sounds like something for you, please fill in this interest form

Thank you for your time and interest in volunteering with the Human Library.