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Ashe County Summer Learning 2024


We encourage you to visit the library to pick up a registration packet that includes a reading log and information about upcoming events, and a librarian will register you for Summer Reading & Learning. However, you can also download and print your reading log below, find information about events by checking out the Events tab, and register online at the Registration tab.


Begin logging your reading time on June 1 and continue logging through July 31. There are no rules about how often you have to submit your reading log to earn books and prizes, but you must submit your log once a week to participate in Read to Bead, and all reading time must be submitted by August 10, 2024.

If you read your recommended 20 minutes a day, you'll earn free books and prizes throughout the summer. Read more than 20 minutes a day? That's great! You'll earn your books and prizes even faster and be eligible for additional books and prizes. Remember that all reading counts for summer reading at the library! Read to someone else? Count it! Someone reads to you? Count it! Read a magazine, newspaper, or graphic novel? Count it! What about an ebook? Count it! Listen to an audiobook? That counts, too! Learn more at the Reading & Prizes tab.


We have lots of events planned for Adventure Begins at the Library to make Summer Reading fun. Throughout the summer, you can attend storytimes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10:30 am, Tiny Trailblazer Thursdays at 10:30 am, and we will have events every day Monday-Friday at 1:00 pm with special events on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Most special events are limited capacity, and tickets will be available on a first come, first served basis beginning one hour before each event. You can also visit us at Ashe Farmers Market on the third Saturday. For more details, check out the Events tab.
