Twelve kits will be available each week while supplies last! The only exception is registration week when we will have 25 kits available. There will not be a kit during the weeks when there is an in-person event with the exception of registration week.
The schedule is as follows:
Registration Week
The Adventure Begins kit!- Everything you need for summer reading along with a book and a fun surprise. Pick up begins June 1
Family Tie- Dye - June 5
1pm-2pm in Bowie Segraves Park
Week Two "Secret Worlds"
No Kit
Alice in Wonderland Tea Party - June 11
3:30-5pm in the Community Room
Week Three "Wilderness Adventures"
In Real Life Adventures kit
Pick up begins June 17
Week Four "Heists"
No Kit
Heist Themed Escape Room - June 29
10am-4pm in the Community Room
Week Five "Quests"
Quest of a Lifetime kit
Pick up begins July 1
Week Six "Tolkien"
No Kit
Virtual Writing Workshop with KB Ballentine - July 9
10-11am virtual
Fantasy Map Drawing - July 11
3:30-5pm in the Community Room
Week Seven "Sea Adventures"
Life on the Sea kit
Pick up begins July 15
Week Eight "Space Adventures"
Ready, Set, Blast off! kit
Pick up beings July 22
Summer Learning Wrap Up
Star Party - July 30
3:30-5pm in the Community Room