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Wilkes County Veterans History Project: Tram Holland

Veteran Top Box


Veteran's Story

Tram Holland, USASOC Holland was born in Saigon, Vietnam, to a Vietnamese National who worked as a government civilian with the U.S. Government as a court reporter, and translator for the U.S. military headquarters in Saigon. Her father was a soldier. He brought them out of Vietnam in 1972. She grew up an “Army Brat” living in Virginia, Illinois, Germany, and Missouri, where her father retired in 1988. She grew up down a dirt road in the Ozarks enjoying all the beauty and wildlife the outdoors had to offer. She graduated 6th in her high school class of over 300 and turned down several academic and sports scholarships to enter the Army on 9 August, 1989, in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. She knew from an early age that she wanted to be a Green Beret like John Wayne. She completed Army boot camp, graduating first in her class of over 300 soldiers and completed Unit Supply Specialist training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Her duty stations were Camp Casey, South Korea, where she was assigned to the 2nd Infantry Division; Fort Ord, California, assigned to the 7th Infantry Division (Light); Fort Lewis, Washington, to the 25th Infantry Division (Light); and Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where she served in the 82nd Airborne Division; and the premier Special Missions Unit for The United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC). She retired in 2012 from USASOC after a 22 plus year career in the Army. She was a logistical specialist and culminated her career as the senior logistical advisor in charge of multiple USASOC joint task forces. In layman’s terms, she was responsible for every logistical facet of personnel deployed overseas. Sustenance, intra-theater and extra-theater transportation, facilities and realty, equipment, housing, supplies, maintenance, medical, and mortuary affairs were her primary responsibilities. In addition, she has specialized training in several areas that include weapons, vehicles, security, special skills, and combatives. She has served in numerous locations globally for both peacetime operations and combat deployments. In addition to the numerous awards and citations earned, she graduated either first in her class, or with honors from every military school attended. She earned the Physical Fitness award, as well as the Top Leadership award, in every military school attended. She graduated from the Mountaineering and Rappelling School, Cheju Island South Korea; U.S. Army Air Assault School at Fort Lewis, Washington; U.S. Army Airborne School in Fort Benning, Georgia; and the U.S. Army Jumpmaster School, Fort Benning, Georgia. She has attended numerous driving, shooting, and various other professional and specialty schools over the course of her career. After retirement from the military in 2012, she started her own company. Her primary focuses are specialized military training, logistical consultation, and procurement. She has continuously worked with the special operations community since her retirement. In addition to her company, she works with several non-profit organizations: Wounded Warrior Outdoors, The Light Foundation, and E3 Cares. She is extremely passionate about each organization that focus on areas of critical importance to her. She has four children and one grandchild. She lives with her husband, Kevin, in the North Carolina mountains.