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Watauga County Seed Library: Home

seed share

Start Your Own Garden and Share the Seeds

Watauga County Seed Library is located at the

Watauga County Public Library near the circulation desk.

Share seed, grow food, spread knowledge.

The Mission of the Seed Library is to:

  • Make free seeds available to anyone in our area to grow their own food.
  • Promote gardening and seed saving.
  • Promote healthy outdoor activity.
  • Provide information, education, and instruction about sustainable organic gardening and seed saving.
  • Collect historical information about seeds and seed saving in our region to ensure preservation of our local heritage and traditions.
  • Build community resilience, self-reliance, and a culture of sharing.

The Watauga County Public Library Seed Library is run by dedicated volunteers without whom the Seed Library would not exist. To volunteer to help keep the Seed Library stocked and running smoothly, please email or call: 828 264 8784  ext. 2


Saving and Sharing Seed!

  Welcome to the Watauga Seed Library

When checking out seeds, please use the seed checkout form at the Circulation Desk,

after choosing your seeds please give the form to the library staff.


Saving seeds is a spectacular activity to do for your community and yourself.  When you borrow seeds from the seed library, think about setting aside a few plants in your garden for collection seeds.  Then take a bit of extra time to save seeds from those plants for your future garden and for returning to the seed library. By doing this, the seed library will be more self-sustaining and there will be more seeds available for members of our community.

Here is a list of some easy seeds to save:

basil, beans, beets, chard, eggplant, leeks, onions, parsley, peas, peppers, spinach, sunflowers, & tomatoes, flowers, and herbs.

These seeds usually give the same plant and are easy to harvest, process and preserve. For more information on saving "advanced" seeds, check the seed library's resources.

Borrowing Seeds

Borrowing Seeds

The seed catalog will be located near the circulation desk at the library.  First register as a member of the Seed Library by filling out the registration form. Select packets of seeds that you want from the seed card catalog.   Write down the seeds you are taking on the seed Checkout Form. Turn in the Seed Checkout Form at the main desk and take your seeds home. Plant the seeds and enjoy your garden.

Donating and Returning Seeds

Collect seeds from your garden or find packages with seeds left that you do not plan to use. Please fill out a donation form at the Watauga County Public Library.

A few guidelines, we only accept open pollination and heirloom seeds. Seeds should be no more that 2 years old.

Bring seeds to our drop off location

Watauga County Public Library

Adult Services Desk

140 Queen Street

Boone, NC 28607



Learn more

Learn more about seed saving:

Seed Savers Exchange

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
