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Ashe County Summer Learning 2023



What is summer reading and learning for adults?

Summer reading and learning is a longstanding program the library offers each year for children and teens. In 2020, we expanded the program to serve adults in our community. In 2023, we are building on that success to offer adults an opportunity to read for the fun of it and learn a little something new at the same time.


For children and teens, summer reading and learning programs help to combat summer slide. For adults, reading has many benefits including contributing to a longer life, improving our ability to connect with other people, maintaining brain function, increasing creativity and positive responses to uncertainty, and many more.

Why the library?

Our library's mission is to nurture individual and community growth through free and equal access to resources for reading, thinking, learning, and living. To help meet this mission, we offer a summer reading and learning program that incorporates literacy and life-long learning and gives adults the opportunity to earn rewards for their participation.